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about me

Seaweed Facials of Madison Park was born after I fell in love with seaweed as a vital ingredient in skincare. I saw what a difference it made on skin functions, and how continuous exposure of seaweed-based products to skin allows the
body to produce more healthy skin cells. Most of my facials are from the Repechage line because they're packed with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that serve as a phytonutrient boost to the face, neck, and décolleté areas.


So why should you come to Madison Park (aside from the fact that it's a lovely place to spend the day) to have a seaweed facial when there are so many options available for facial services?


First of all, I'll be as honest as I can about what you can expect from a facial treatment or series of treatments and won't over-exaggerate the results. Taking care of your skin is just like taking care of any of your organs. It's giving it the proper nutrients to thrive and enhance it's natural ability to maintain homeostasis. In other words, my facials are not a quick-fix, even though you see immediate results. It's good skincare for the long haul that will get the desired results that last.


Secondly, you decide what you want out of a session with me. For some people, time away to de-stress from life each month, or periodically, is their main concern. Some don't want to use a new skincare line and don't want to hear about ingredients. Others are looking for product recommendations for their home regimen.
Many are looking to actively work on a
particular condition, like sagging skin or hyper-pigmentation. Whatever your focus is, I respect your wishes and try to make the session just as
you want it.




Jasmine Richmond

Maybe you're the type of person who has tried many other skincare programs and they just didn't deliver the results. I would definitely recommend you get seaweed into your daily regimen for reasons you can read about under "Seaweed". Another good reason to come to me is you need someone to be an advocate for your skin-a guidance counselor to get you through the year. During one year, your skin will likely change many times through the seasons, through hormonal fluctuations, and through lifestyle changes-stressful periods often being the worst.


There are so many product options right now, all claiming to do wonderful things for your skin. And there are many good product lines-some are more tailored to the cosmoceutical industry (medispa), some more to the natural or organic markets. I have chosen to work with the one line that is almost all seaweed-based, with performance ingredients and technological advances that enhance natural ingredients. That line is Repechage, founded by Lydia Sarfati in 1980. Since that time, other companies have included seaweed in their lines because of the success of her initial offering. The benefits of seaweed has now caught on worldwide.


Repechage has a tremendous R&D team, training, and customer service, and a founder that truly cares about the product line, not just the bottom line. They've been a pleasure to work with. I know you'll find their line as lovely in scent and texture, as much as the efficacy of the products. 


I look forward to working with you!



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