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If it's your first visit: Plan on arriving 10 minutes before your service to fill out a quick form and use the restroom if needed. (See Contact tab for parking info and map.​)


Exfoliation: Avoid any form of exfoliation to the face (waxing, sugaring, tweezing, shaving, brush, chemicals, etc) within 48 hours of your facial service. The same for facial hair bleaching.


Medispa Services: Laser hair removal requires a much longer wait period before a facial can be done safely. Consult with your laser provider for when a facial can be performed before scheduling a treatment with me. Also, microdermabrasian should not be within 72 hours of your facial, and injectibles and fillers require a 7-day wait period.


Following these simple guidelines will allow your skin to receive the maximum benefit from a professional facial service.


24-Hour Cancellation Policy: Please contact me within 24 hours of your scheduled appointment for any cancellations. You will be charged 50% of service price (100% for already discounted services) for canceling or rescheduling within 24 hours of your appointment. Thanks for your consideration in this touchy matter!



Book appointment →
If you can't book appointment using Safari on your iPhone, switch browser to Chrome (free download on App Store), and you should be able to complete the process. If you continue to have problems, please let me know.





Post Care Information: You'll leave the facial with either a mineral shield for environmental protection or with mineral makeup with SPF20. But it's a good idea to avoid excessive sun, wind, or exposure to excessive heat (ie sauna, hot tub, extreme workout, etc) You want the skin to be able to recover and thrive without causing inflammation.


If your appointment is later in the day (3pm or later), consider leaving your face unwashed that night to reap the full benefits of the products I put on you. (If mineral makeup was used, the face should be washed before bed.)






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